Here’s How You Can be Sure that Your Garage Sale is a Success

If you’re planning a move or home clean-out, a garage sale can be an effective and fun way to get rid of some old items while also making a little bit of cash! Having a garage sale is plenty of fun, but there are some things you should keep in mind in order to ensure that your sale is successful.

A successful garage sale hinges on a few different factors. We have some tips for each to help you make the most of your sale;


The first step to planning any garage sale is preparing and sorting through the items that you want to sell and keep. Start by separating the items you want to keep, items you want to sell, and the items that you are on the fence about. Go through every room and storage space you must find items; you may have forgotten about some that are hidden away!

Also, part of the preparation stage is choosing the day and time. Having your sale on a weekday during working hours may not allow most people to have the time to stop and look. Additionally, having your sale on a day with bad weather will be no fun for anyone involved. Try to pick a day and time that is the most accessible and promotes people to going outdoors. A sunny weekend afternoon is ideal!


There are some key supplies that may be worth having on hand for your sale. Items to help you with the next few points include:

  • Locked cash box
  • Pens and markers
  • Price stickers
  • Bristol board
  • Tables & table covers
  • Calculator


Once you have your items ready to go, it’s time to start thinking about what to list them for. Overpricing items will turn away buyers, while under-pricing may leave money on the table. Put some serious and realistic thought into what is reasonable and unreasonable to ask for.


No one will come to your garage sale if no one knows about it! Advertising doesn’t need to be expensive, but it’s important to make the neighborhood aware of your sale if you want people to come by. Social media postings, Craigslist postings and physical signs are all great and cheap ways to market your garage sale. Posting signs with clear and easy-to-read directions is also vital to helping people find their way to your sale.

Depending on what you plan to sell, you could even choose a feature item or two to advertise along with your sale. This may help draw buyers in!

For the items you want to hang onto, we can help!

For the rest of your items you are planning to hold onto, but need help moving or storing, U & Me moving and storage services can provide a secure and professional service to move or store your belongings. Our team has decades of experience moving families across West Palm Beach and America.

If you’re looking for a moving and storage team that will respect your property and move your belongings quickly and securely, look no further. Talk to us today to find out more!

